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2024-01-02 15:42:35 无锡英才网




dear sir,

i am writing to apply for a british council scholarship to study in britain. i did my five years basic training in medicine at shanghai university. after this i successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in ophthalmology at the peoples general hospital, where i am at present serving a two-year probation in the eye clinic.

as a result of the publication in 2003 of my article in new scientist entitled "soft and rigid contact lenses ", which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, i made contact with dr. li ming of the capital hospital and dr. ma li of the

university college hospital. i have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.

despite their help, i feel that i cannot make real progress in this field unless i can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. i would therefore like to continue my research at either the capital hospital or the uch as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and i would like to study in britain for two years.

i enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from dr. li ming and dr. ma li.


















dear sir or madam:

i am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my m.s. degree. i have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry. i am greatly interested in the program. i graduated in 20xx from huabei university, majoring in chemistry and holding a b. s. degree. at university, i took many fundamental courses in chemistry and my english is excellent as i had served as the head of english association for two years. since then i have been teaching chemistry in beijing normal university. through my teaching experience, i have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many complicated research skills as well. two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter. thank you very much. i look forward to hearing from you soon.

sincerely yours, li ming















dear x,

ever since i have had the ability to understand it, i have been fascinatedby the english language. as a child, i would either be writing, reading ortelling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction andnon-fiction texts from a variety of genres and eras.

this passion for language has led me to many different extra-curricularactivities. for the past four years, i have attended a youth theatre each weekwhere we concentrate very much on both improvised and scripted drama but alsohave done work on stage management, stage make-up, singing, and signed singing(an interest which begun with my learning of both violin and double bass tograde 4 standard).

with this same organisation, i have volunteered for the past three years atone of the children’s groups where i work helping with drama, music and art. itwas with this same organisation that i decided to learn sign language.i haverecently gained my british sign language level 1 certificate and am nowbeginning a level 2 course. i began learning sign language at the same time asstarting my a-level in english language and literature, a course i have foundextremely interesting. taking these two courses concurrently was very excitingfor me as learning more about the linguistics of the english language enabled meto make comparisons between the two languages.

these interests have led me to this course which i not only feel suits myneeds and interests aptly, but also excites me in its course content. althoughi’ve enjoyed all of my a-level english language and literature course but havefound a few parts of it particularly interesting. i specifically enjoyed ourcoursework tasks for our as level as it included writing a piece of originalfiction, an aspect of english which i have always enjoyed. i also enjoyed thetask of performing a monologue as i have missed not being able to study drama asa subject.

i try to follow my interests outside of school and so attend a wide varietyof theatre productions, art exhibitions, musical performances and subjectrelated lectures. when studying psychology last year, i attended a largepsychology conference with a variety of speakers which was both helpful andinteresting. last year i also attended an ‘art master class’ organised withmiddlesex university and with nine other students, it gave more opportunity formore detailed and involved discussions. i have not yet had the opportunity toattend an english related lecture but look forward to a study day in march whichwill aid me with my study of shakespeare’s antony and cleopatra.

alongside this and my voluntary work with the drama organisation, i haveworked in a variety of jobs which have all helped to develop my sense ofresponsibility as they were dependent on both teamwork and co-operation but alsomy use of initiative.i have chosen to defer my entry to 20xx as i plan tocomplete a voluntary teaching placement in africa. the prospect of thisplacement excites me as it will give me the opportunity to travel, to meet newpeople, to experience new cultures, and, above all, help out where much help isneeded. i feel that taking a gap year is going to benefit me greatly as it willenable me to gain valuable life skills that will benefit me both at universitybut also in whatever i choose to do following university whether it be apostgraduate course or work.

yours sincerely,

























dear leaders:


i am a senior science student in __ province ? middle school _?. i hope torealize my dream of studying with your school. thank you for taking the timefrom your busy schedule to review my self-recommended materials.?

i have always had a dream. i dream of studying in __, dreaming of beingmoisturized by __ with a long history and profound cultural heritage.

i had excellent academic performance since i was a child. with my ownefforts, i was admitted to jingdezhen no. 2 middle school and entered theolympiad class with the citys tenth outstanding high school entranceexamination results. after three years of training, i have grown from a simpleignorant boy to a high school student who loves life, pursues knowledge, isenergetic, compassionate, and has a comprehensive development of morality,intelligence, and physical fitness.?

i love life, and i have always been confident and hopeful in life. in thisbeautiful world, i enjoy the beauty of spring flowers, the warmth of autumnmoon, the passion of summer rain, and the purity of winter snow. i am sunshine,i am happy, i love every river, every mountain, every person, and i loveeverything i have. even in the third year of high school, i am painful andhappy. i also hope to pass on happiness to everyone around me. i cheer for thestrong and shed tears for the weak. i believe in the fragrance of roses in thehands of others, and the truth, goodness and beauty in the world. for thisreason, people around me like me very much and call me "pistachio".

i pursue knowledge with the same enthusiasm. i am eager to understand thehuman mind, to explore the manufacturing process of robots, to understand thecauses of the financial crisis, and to know the content of the "six-partytalks". so i love learning and reading. wandering in the sea of books,constantly thinking, and constantly comprehending, the joy is endless. thepursuit of knowledge has not only increased my knowledge and broadened myhorizons; it also cultivated my interest and improved my temperament; it alsoallowed me to nurture my temperament and balance my mind.?

my energy stems from the love of life and the passion for knowledge. in termsof study, i work hard and have excellent grades. the grades of the high schoolquality inspection examinations are among the best in the school. i won thesecond prize in the 24th high school chemistry competition (provincialcompetition area) this year. in addition to studying well, i have been servingas the deputy monitor and also actively participate in various activitiesorganized by the school. i can be seen in basketball games, football games,campus singer contests, social practice and other activities, which not onlyimproves my ability, but also exercises my courage.?

but i know that i am only "the little lotus with sharp horns". the road tobecoming a talent is long and i must continue to forge and improve myself. if iam fortunate enough to be able to enter my dream palace for further study, iwill definitely search from top to bottom and sharpen myself into an outstandingtalent with unique cultural taste, extraordinary talents and good comprehensivequalities, who dare to dare to fight.?

so here i implore the leaders of your school to give me a chance to realizemy dream.?



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